Corporate climate action data & market intelligence.

Streamline your market research and sales & marketing operations by accessing years of corporate climate action data & voluntary carbon market information in just a couple clicks.

Save days and weeks of work.

With weekly data updates, ClimateHQ has the latest corporate climate action & voluntary carbon market information. It's like having a team of analysts + a sales enablement tool all in one platform and with a great user interface.

  • Corporate climate profiles

    Track 50k+ companies, covering both public and private organizations across 200+ sectors and industries.

  • Documents & reports

    Quickly access 15k+ corporate climate documents & reports to know exactly what companies are doing and announcing.

  • Climate action & VCM activity

    With millions of climate action data points, you’ll have the latest corporate climate target information, voluntary carbon market activity, and more.

Climate action data for everybody

Whether you’re performing market research or mapping out ideal customer profiles, the climate action datasets on ClimateHQ can help.

  • Consultants & service providers

    CTRL+F and waiting for internal data exports are things of the past - access all the climate data you need in just seconds.

  • Market analysts & researchers

    Access millions of corporate climate data points in just seconds and shave days off of your market research / analysis project(s).

  • Marketplaces, brokers, and traders

    Find your next buyers, customers, and partners with laser precision through built-in filters & relevant datasets.

  • Climate project developers & CDR companies

    Stay close to your potential market(s) and quickly identify your next buyers & investors.

  • Funds & investors

    Quickly develop better insights for your investment thesis & portfolio companies.

  • Corporate innovation & sustainability teams

    Stay on top of your sector's & competitor's climate actions and sustainability initiatives.

Receive our recent report

We recently published our first, free report covering US Fortune 100 companies and their climate action. Contact us for the free report today!

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

  • How do I get access to the platform?

    Please contact us or request access here.

  • How much does this cost?

    Our pricing is based on your organization's size. Please contact us here for more information.

  • Where is all the data coming from?

    All datasets are coming from publicly available sources, such as corporate sustainability reports.